The New Sustainability in Business


Welcome to The New Sustainability in Business!

Start the course

Engaging, clear, concise online format

The course is specifically designed to offer key information in a clear structure and manageable chunks.

Each lesson includes interesting audiovisual elements to support learning and exercises that ensure you have internalized the the key takeaways.

Fastest way to update your sustainability knowledge

Become a go-to person about sustainability topics in your organization.

Or if you are a student, learn about your potential career opportunities around sustainable business.

Easily accessible materials, free of charge

The course is fully free of charge, provided to you by Aalto University School of Business.

You only need to sign up to be able to access all the content and start studying – at your own pace.

What is The New Sustainability in Business online course?

Do you often find yourself wondering: “How can we make our company more sustainable? How should our company adapt to today’s sustainability challenges? How can I have a positive impact through my career?”

You are in the right place!

The New Sustainability in Business is a hands-on, comprehensive course that explains how businesses can create sustainable value – not only for the economy, but also for the environment and society.

We live in a rapidly changing world. In the 2020s, it is more essential than ever for companies to take sustainability seriously. This course has been designed especially for business practitioners and university students who want to learn the latest thinking on themes like corporate social responsibility, sustainable value creation and leading change towards sustainability.

The course – supported with latest academic research and other key resources – is an information-packed yet easy to go through resource provided for you by Aalto University School of Business. Read more about the course from the button below.

What will you learn?

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of how companies impact the environment and society
  2. Name several different examples of sustainable business models
  3. Apply concrete tools for generating sustainable business innovations
  4. Identify how sustainability can be integrated into different business operations: strategy, supply chain management, accounting as well as marketing and communication
  5. Reflect on your change management skills and feel motivated and capable of taking action on sustainability challenges

Course overview

The course includes four distinct modules. See the course curriculum below for a detailed course outline.

How long the course takes is up to you – you can work at your own pace. To access the content, the only thing you have to do is to sign up for the course. After that, all the course materials will be available for you.